- Non Profits
TeleMiracle - Kinsmen Foundation

TeleMiracle - Kinsmen Foundation

The Kinsmen Foundation was established in 1971 and granted funds raised by local Kinsmen and Kinette clubs. When requests for assistance exceeded available funds, planning started in 1976 for a province-wide telethon as a significant fundraiser and the first TeleMiracle was started in Saskatoon in February 1977.

Today, the Kinsmen Foundation provides Saskatchewan residents with special needs equipment to improve quality of life, independence and access to life-saving medical treatment.

TeleMiracle is a 20-hour annual telethon that is broadcast live in Saskatchewan. Despite only having a population of around one million people, the generous residents of the province have raised over $159 million since 1977.

How You Can Help:


Kinsmen Foundation & TeleMiracle is a Trusted Regina Non-Profit

Quick Info

TeleMiracle - Kinsmen Foundation


Phone: 306-244-6400
Toll Free: 1-877-777-8979

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TeleMiracle Website

Regina Legion Branch 001

Regina Legion Branch 001

The Regina Legion Branch 001 cares for all those in Regina who have served our nation. Their members show their thanks by supporting and advocating for Veterans, remembering their sacrifices, and by continuing the tradition of service in helping our communities. The Regina Branch has excellent facilities for providing a supportive social atmosphere for Veterans and all members, with a cafeteria, lounge, and regular events. They offer a variety of activities and services through the Branch, including programs for youth, the Ladies Auxiliary, the Branch Museum and special events.

Regina Legion Services Include:

Homelessness Initiatives: The Royal Canadian Legion is committed to helping Veterans and their families in need find homes. National and provincial programs offer financial assistance and support for homeless Veterans and those at risk of homelessness.

Outreach and Visitation: The Royal Canadian Legion delivers the Outreach and Visitation Initiative (OVI) on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. Through this partnership, the Legion facilitates face-to-face visits with these Veterans, providing them with an opportunity to have a social visit with a Legion volunteer and to raise concerns or identify needs that might be addressed by Veterans Affairs Canada.

Financial Assistance: The Legion provides financial assistance to serving and former Canadian Armed Forces members, RCMP, and their families who are in financial distress. Grants are available for food, heating, clothing, prescription medication, medical appliances and equipment, essential home repairs and emergency shelter or assistance. Smaller comforts can also be provided to Veterans and surviving spouses who are hospitalized.

Assistance with Veterans Affairs Canada: The Royal Canadian Legion’s Veterans Services Network works on behalf of Veterans to ensure they receive the benefits they deserve. They offer assistance and information on sometimes complicated processes.

'Let's Make A Difference Together'

Regina Legion Branch 001 Is A Trusted Regina Non-Profit

Quick Info

Regina Legion Branch 001
1820 Cornwall Street
Regina, SK S4P 2K2

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Email Contacts


S & E Trusted Online Directories Inc
310 Wall St #209
Saskatoon, SK   S7K 1N7
Ph: 306.244.4150


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