Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Regina Realtor and Regina Real Estate Expert shares a Tip on Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home

 In today's competitive real estate market, timing is everything. Many good homes are sold before they are ever advertised. Whether you are buying or selling a home, hire a Trusted Realtor , who wants to earn your business, and works hard to get you results!

 Regina Real Estate Tip

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home:


You’ve been saving for awhile, weighing your options, looking around casually. Now you’ve finally decided to do it—you’re ready to buy a house. The process of buying a new home can be incredibly exciting, yet stressful, all at once. Where do you start?

It is essential you do your homework before you begin. Learn from the experiences of others, do some research. Of course, with so many details involved, slip-ups are inevitable. But be careful: learning from your mistakes may prove costly. Use the following list of pitfalls as a guide to help you avoid the most common mistakes.

1. Searching for houses without getting pre-approved by a lender:

Do not mistake pre-approval by a lender with pre-qualification. Pre-qualification, the first step toward being pre-approved, will point you in the right direction, giving you an idea of the price range of houses you can comfortably afford. Pre-approval, however, means you become a cash buyer, making negotiations with the seller much easier.

2. Allowing “first impressions” to overly influence your decision:

The first impression of a home has been cited as the single most influential factor guiding many purchasers’ choice to buy. Make a conscious decision beforehand to examine a home as objectively as you can. Don’t let the current owners’ style or lifestyle sway your judgment. Beneath the bad décor or messy rooms, these homes may actually suit your needs and offer you a structurally sound base with which to work. Likewise, don’t jump at a home simply because the walls are painted your favourite colour! Make sure you thoroughly the investigate the structure beneath the paint before you come to any serious decisions.

3. Failing to have the home inspected before you buy:

Buying a home is a major financial decision that is often made after having spent very little time on the property itself. A home inspection performed by a competent company will help you enter the negotiation process with eyes wide open, offering you added reassurance that the choice you’re making is a sound one, or alerting you to underlying problems that could cost you significant money in both the short and long-run. Your Realtor can suggest reputable home inspection companies for you to consider and will ensure the appropriate clause is entered into your contract.

4. Not knowing and understanding your rights and obligations as listed in the Offer to Purchase:

Make it a priority to know your rights and obligations inside and out. A lack of understanding about your obligations may, at the very least, cause friction between yourself and the people with whom you are about to enter the contract. Wrong assumptions, poorly written/ incomprehensible/ missing clauses, or a lack of awareness of how the clauses apply to the purchase, could also contribute to increased costs. These problems may even lead to a void contract. So, take the time to go through the contract with a fine-tooth comb, making use of the resources and knowledge offered by your Realtor and lawyer. With their assistance, ensure you thoroughly understand every component of the contract, and are able to fulfill your contractual obligations.

5. Making an offer based on the asking price, not the market value:

Ask your Realtor for a current Comparative Market Analysis. This will provide you with the information necessary to gauge the market value of a home, and will help you avoid over-paying. What have other similar homes sold for in the area and how long were they on the market? What is the difference between their asking and selling prices? Is the home you’re looking at under-priced, over-priced, or fair value? The seller receives a Comparative Market Analysis before deciding upon an asking price, so make sure you have all the same information at your fingertips.

6. Failing to familiarize yourself with the neighbourhood before buying: Check out the neighbourhood you’re considering, and ask around. What amenities does the area have to offer? Are there schools, churches, parks, or grocery stores within reach? Consider visiting schools in the area if you have children. How will you be affected by a new commute to work? Are there infrastructure projects in development? All of these factors will influence the way you experience your new home, so ensure you’re well-acquainted with the surrounding area before purchasing.

7. Not looking for home insurance until you are about to move:

If you wait until the last minute, you’ll be rushed to find an insurance policy that’s the ideal fit for you. Make sure you give yourself enough time to shop around in order to get the best deal.

8. Not recognizing different styles and strategies of negotiation:

Many buyers think that the way to negotiate their way to a fair price is by offering low. However, in reality this strategy may actually result in the seller becoming more inflexible, polarizing negotiations. Employ the knowledge and skills of an experienced realtor. She will know what strategies of negotiation will prove most effective for your particular situation.



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Chris Worby a Trusted REGINA FINANCIAL EXPERT provides a Trusted Tip on Life Insurance

Finding the shortest and safest route to any of your dreams requires planning and only with a carefully thought out financial plan can you be sure to make the most of your resources and to protect against risks along the way. At Worby Wealth Management, Chris will do his best to help you achieve those dreams with a financial plan that is tailored to your specific needs and based on your individual situation.

Let TRUSTED REGINA's FINANCIAL ADVISOR Chris Worby from Worby Wealth Management help you live your dream!

Here Chris Shares a tip:

Do you have too much life insurance?

People used to say you should have 10 times your earnings available as life insurance. I think they are wrong. Here are three things you should consider.

  • Your net worth
  • How the insurance money may be used
  • Every estate should have some insurance

Life Insurance is a safety net for your family when you haven’t had the time to build your own. Consider this, if you are young with dependents and have a fair bit of debt, you will need more money than if you are retired, living debt-free and enjoying your grandchildren.

How the money may be used is important as well. Some insurance policies have tax advantages and estate planning provisions to bypass wills and streamline an estate. Sometimes survivorship is the main concern, for example, a young family with debt and children may need a different plan than someone who is retired. A clear understanding of your options will help you choose an insurance package that best meets your needs.

Time and again, every estate I’ve worked with that has insurance has been much easier to manage. Loved ones left behind have been in better financial shape than those without an insurance plan – regardless of age. Experience has shown me the value of an insurance plan.

 I think everyone should carry some insurance. It’s important to note, any recommendation on dollar amounts need to be personalized to meet your needs. If you are looking at life insurance, you should consult a professional to make a better, more informed decision.

Call Chris Worby at  (306) 757-4747 ext 226  or on his Cell: (306) 737-2909. Check out his listing on the Regina Directory in the REGINA FINANCIAL SERVICES category   . Chris is a Trusted REGINA FINANCIAL EXPERT



Worby Wealth Management a Trusted Regina financial advisor and financial services expert passes a Trusted Regina mystery shop

Being a Trusted Business on the Regina directory comes with alot of other directory, advertising medium or ' watchdog organization' puts businesses through the process we do before we promote and endorse them...most  rely on the consumers to provide ratings..which are all unverified and un qualified. Trusted is different because the Trusted Regina businesses become Partners...and we promote the mantra that 'only together are we Trusted" ..we all have our parts to play to ensure the directory maintains the standards and high level of integrity that it does.

Trusted then enters into a contract, where the partners sign to uphold the 5 Trusted Guarantees and to ensure that our partners are upholding these guarantees on a daily basis we have a MYSTERY SHOPPER PROGRAM, where we mystery shop a minimum of 10% of our Trusted Partners on an annual basis... we get our mystery shoppers to fillout a report to tell us about the experience....

Our latest business to be mystery shopped is Worby Wealth Management a Trusted Regina Financial service expert 

Well, if you need to trust anyone its the person advising you on your finances..lets see how Chris Worby owner of WorbyWealth Managment !! 


TRUSTED PARTNER: Worby Wealth Management


1. How was the greeting/welcome/call answered?

VERY GOOD!! Chris was very welcoming and inviting.

2. If retail: Appearance of the store / staff and showroom?

Chris's office is very nice and inviting and he even offered some tea as our first visit was rather lengthy (and thorough).

3. Product/industry knowledge of staff?

Chris seems VERY knowledgeable and "had us at hello" so to speak. We felt very confident in his knowledge about the information he provided.

4. If a quote is required is the quote well laid out/ clear?

No quote required really.

5. Did they ask where you found them?

YES!! and did so very clearly.

6. Overall experience 1-10:


7. Would you return as a customer/recommend them to close friends?

Yes! and we already have!

8. Did anyone stand out as exceptional? If so who? Why? n/a (Chris is the only one)

9. If you made a purchase/booked a job how was the process? If so refer to the Trusted Guarantees and give an overall mark on each if applicable.


1. Provide the service and quality promised.


2. Complete the job on time.

 Still not finished but so far so good and its ongoing ..!

3. Charge the price quoted with NO surprises.

No quotes required thus far.

4. Communicate honestly and be responsive to customer needs.

 Chris seems very honest and forthcoming.

5. Resolve any issues with customer satisfaction in mind.

Yes, Chris tailors our visits in order to accomplish the goals set out for us.

Please share any other comments relating to your experience with the company.

Chris is very knowledgeable in his field and instils confidence in us as he is able to create a plan that fit our needs and wants. He seems to have a very systematic approach that leaves nothing overlooked. He also seems to have a stepwise approach with specific goals to cover at each visit that will eventually lead us to our financial goals! It seems hard to consider other businesses/companies after a visit with Chris!! Highly recommended!!

WOW Chris did an awesome job and gained a new client ! Proving yet again that you deserve the Thumbs up!  

Call Chris Worby at  (306) 757-4747 ext 226  or on his Cell: (306) 737-2909. Check out his listing on the Regina Directory in the REGINA FINANCIAL SERVICES category   . Chris is a Trusted REGINA FINANCIAL EXPERT



Trusted Regina Disaster Experts at Winmar Regina share a tip on why they dry ice blast mould.


Winmar provides expert advice and world-class service! They have certified consultants who are there for you 24/7 for REGINA disaster response services, fire and flood damage & restoration throughout Saskatchewan...they are your REGINA Disaster Services EXPERTS and a TRUSTED REGINA CONTRACTOR  

WINMAR® Regina performs restoration services for residential and commercial properties across Saskatchewan. Our crews offer prompt and professional services to help our customers get back to pre-loss life with the least amount of interruption and associated costs as possible. . They are the Regina property restoration specialists. WINMAR IS A TRUSTED REGINA DISASTER SERVICES & REGINA GENERAL CONTRACTOR. In their latest tip,  they share how they are making a difference. 

Why Dry Ice Blast Mold?

The key ingredient required to dry ice blast is dry ice pellets which are created by taking liquid carbon dioxide from a pressurized storage tank and expanding it at ambient pressure to produce snow which is compressed to make hard pellets. Dry Ice Blasting is a process in which a blasting gun fires dry ice particles, about the size of rice, at extremely high speeds to impact and clean the surface. The particles are accelerated by compressed air. When the dry ice hits the surface, it goes from a solid-state to a gas state without passing through a liquid phase and cleans the surface. Dry ice blast cleaning is a favoured method of cleaning mould because it is so effective and efficient.

Dusyk & Barlow Insurance a Trusted Regina Insurance expert answers questions the Regina public want to know!

Dusyk & Barlow is a 100% locally owned Regina Insurance Brokerage providing honest, reliable, and personalized service to all their clients. Their long-standing reputation in the community remains strong through maintaining high standards of excellence and ensuring that their client's insurance needs are met. Dusyk & Barlow is a TRUSTED REGINA INSURANCE Brokerage and in this insurance article, they answer insurance FAQs from the Regina public.

Your Insurance Questions Answered By Dusyk & Barlow Insurance Brokers 


1. Child Moving Out- What Insurance do they need? 

 When a child moves out they should get insurance for their home and belongings through Home, Tenant and Condo policies. Your insurance will provide you coverage for such things as fire, and theft. Liability is also included in these options, which will cover you in case you are sued due to negligence or cause bodily injury or property damage.

2. What is Broad Coverage?

Broad Coverage for the most part is the Cadillac coverage on the building and Pinto coverage on your contents. However, most insurance companies do offer coverage which is the opposite, so you can have the Cadillac coverage on your contents and Pinto on your dwelling. If you have broad coverage, you can insure specific belongings by scheduling them on your policy. This option is available for certain types of belongings like jewellery for example. This does require an additional premium, however, the coverage is comprehensive, and you can have a lower deductible.

3. Teenager getting in accidents with parents vehicle?

SGI brought out the Safe Driver Recognition Program many years back, it is intended to penalize the driver, not the registered owner in your case. However, if you have an auto policy, these accidents will affect the policy, as it is paying out for the damages. I always recommend that parents register the vehicle in their child’s name if they are the primary operator of that vehicle. By doing this it will not cost the parent extra on their own auto policies, as well for liability purposes.

4. What exactly is No-Fault Insurance?

The public has a common misconception of what No-Fault means. No-Fault means that as long as you have valid plate insurance, it does not matter who is at fault, regardless of whether it is a multi-vehicle accident or just one vehicle, the injured parties will be provided with some medical coverage. This coverage depends on whether you have chosen to be covered by No-Fault or Tort.

5. I am going away on vacation what should I do regarding my home Insurance?

 It depends on what time of year you go away. In the warm season, there is no requirement. However, we always recommend that you turn off your water. In the winter it is different. During this time of year, insurance companies require the following steps to be taken: you must turn off your water, have someone come in daily to check on your house or have an alarm system that monitors for low temperatures.

6. When travelling is my stuff insured? 

When you are travelling, your home, tenant or condo insurance will temporarily cover you anywhere in the world. This includes liability coverage. However, you will be subject to your policy coverage, policy limits and your deductible.

7. Scheduled Insurance for expensive items of Jewellery- worth it?  

If you have valuables it is essential that you discuss them with your insurance broker. Every insurance company has different limits and depending on the type of policy you have chosen, you could be underinsured or not insured for certain types of losses. It is a good idea to have your jewellery appraised. By doing this we can schedule your valuable jewellery on your policy for an additional premium. Scheduling your valuables will provide them with comprehensive coverage and a lower deductible, which can range from $0 and up.


There are 2 Dusyk & Barlow locations to best serve you  4615 Albert Street South and 302 University Park Drive 


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