Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Regina Financial Experts tip on breaking up with your Financial Advisor - Part 2

Trusted Regina’s Financial experts share a tip on how to break up with your Financial Advisor - PART 2:

If you are looking for compensation, consider contacting the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments, a dispute-resolution service for banking services and investment clients. OBSI receives about 8,000 complaints a year and launches 600 to 800 investigations. They will try to facilitate a settlement and if one cannot be reached, they will write a report and make a non-binding recommendation. They can recommend restitution of up to $350,000.

Suitability is the biggest complaint (the next most common complaint is that fees are not properly disclosed), says Tyler Fleming, OBSI’s director of communications.

“Advisors and their firms have an obligation to make sure that the investments that they recommend are consistent with the client’s investment objectives, risk tolerance, financial circumstances,” he says.

“Lets say there’s a young couple who is looking to buy a house in six months and they need their savings in a safe, low-risk product. Their investment advisor puts them in something that is high risk and they lose the money that was meant for their down payment, that might be an instance where we would find it was unsuitable.”

You can take efforts to minimize conflict, he says. Take notes at meetings. Get everything in writing. Keep copies of your documents. Ask questions if you do not understand. Review your account statements. Bring someone with you who understands. Have a regular dialogue with your advisor about your changing goals — this may affect your investment plan.

“Trust your gut. When you have a feeling that something is wrong, don’t be afraid to raise that with your advisor,” Mr. Fleming says.

If things are not working out, you can either just walk away and let your new advisor deal with the transition or send a Dear John letter:

“Thank you for your help in the past. I will be going in another direction. I will no longer be needing your services. I wish you well in your future,” Ms. Waite says. “This is a good lesson in life. This is not personal,” Ms. Waite says. “Send a nice ‘thank you’ note and move on.”

Be aware that you do not have to sell your investments when you fire your advisor. If the advisor has used widely available funds such as Fidelity or Trimark funds, you can move them “in-kind” to another advisor, Ms. Waite says. You may get charged an administration fee.

However, some fund companies such as Primerica and Investors Group sell their own products and an advisor at a different company may not work with them; you can opt to find another advisor within the company.

If you want to leave the fund company, make sure you contact the firm to ask what fees you may pay if you sell your funds; a typical deferred sales charge (a back-end fee that is charged to a mutual fund investor if they redeem their investment prior to a set amount of time) starts at 6% of your initial investment in year one, declining to 0% by year seven.

You can also leave your account as is and move the money when the DSC expires or gets lower; each year, you can take out 10% of the original amount invested without being charged a DSC. Take note, your next mutual funds representative may want you to transfer your funds because she gets a commission, Ms. Waite adds.

“There are often more options than people think there are. Don’t just panic and cash out.”






Trusted Regina Maid Service and Home Cleaning experts share a tip on how to clean a microfiber couch

 TRUSTED REGINA home cleaning experts! 

Here they share a tip on how to clean a microfiber couch:















Lets face it, a dirty and stained mircrofiber couch is not attractive!

What you'll need:



Make sure you get a WHITE sponge and WHITE bristle brush so that there is no accidental color transfer onto the couch when you are scrubbing.  

Pour the rubbing alcohol in the spray bottle and SATURATE the stained area.
I know this seems counterintuitive, but rubbing alcohol evaporates much faster than water so it won't leave a water mark.  
Take your sponge and start scrubbing the area.  Don't be afraid to use all your muscles and scrub hard. You'll start to see the dirt coming off onto your sponge.
If your sponge get's really dirty before you are finished, switch it out for a new one to avoid rubbing old dirt onto clean areas.
Let the areas your sprayed dry. They will look darker than the rest of your couch and will feel kind of hard to the touch, but don't worry about it. That's what the bristle brush is for.  Once the couch is COMPLETELY dry, take your bristle brush and with swirling motions, refluff the areas you cleaned.


Does the alcohol smell make my couch smell like alcohol?

No. The room your couch is in will smell like alcohol or about 15 or 20 minutes but just ventilate the room as much as possible while you are cleaning and after.

How often can I do this to my couch?

Once per month.

It didn't get all the stains out. Why?

If you don't get it all out the first time, wait a day or 2 and clean it again. And don't forget to really scrub and REPLACE your sponge when it gets dirty. Otherwise you will just be rubbing old dirt onto new places.

Does this work on other colors (still microfiber)?


There is a ring were I sprayed the alcohol. Why?

More than likely you didn't scrub/dry that spot adequately. Remember even though the alcohol evaporates very quickly it is still a liquid. You want to saturate your area but not drench it.

If you are left with a ring, spray the area like you would a stain and scrub it out.

How soon can I sit on the couch after I clean it?

Once it dries and you use your brush to fluff it you can it on it.


A Trusted Regina Air Conditioning and Furnace experts Indoor Air Quality Concerns

Colin and Jason, the owners of Universal Plumbing and Heating Inc are proud to call Regina, Saskatchewan home, and they really pride themselves on offering the best possible customer service experience! The Canadian HVAC industry is notorious for bad service, and the guys at Universal started their company with the intention to do everything possible to create a good, solid reputation! They are in demand from both home owners and home builders alike.

Universal Pluming & Heating Inc are Trusted Regina Air Conditioning & Furnace professionals.

Here they share indoor air quality concerns.

All of us face a variety of risks to our health as we go about our day-to-day lives. Driving in cars, flying in planes, engaging in recreational activities, and being exposed to environmental pollutants all pose varying degrees of risk. Some risks are simply unavoidable. Some we choose to accept because to do otherwise would restrict our ability to lead our lives the way we want. And some are risks we might decide to avoid if we had the opportunity to make informed choices. Indoor air pollution is one risk that you can do something about.

In the last several years, a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities. Other research indicates that people spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors. Thus, for many people, the risks to health may be greater due to exposure to air pollution indoors than outdoors.

In addition, people who may be exposed to indoor air pollutants for the longest periods of time are often those most susceptible to the effects of indoor air pollution. Such groups include the young, the elderly, and the chronically ill, especially those suffering from respiratory or cardiovascular disease.

If you are looking for Air conditioning and Furnace contractors you can trust in Regina, look no further than Universal Plumbing & Heating Inc. Call them today to book your service call or install! 


Regina Salon share The Difference between Gel Nails and Gel Polish

The Difference between Gel Nails and Gel Polish:

Gel Nails and Gel Polish, What’s The Difference?

What Are Gel Nails?

Gel nails are an artificial nail enhancement that can be applied over the natural nail, a nail tip or used to sculpt extensions. Artificial Gel Nail Enhancements require regular maintenance fills. Gels are called gels because the product is in a gel form. There are three types of gels. UV, LED and No Light. UV gels are cured in a UV lamp. LED gels are cured in an LED lamp or a UV lamp. No Light Gels have a spray or brush on activator to cure the product.

UV Gel comes in a jar or tube. If it is in a jar it is applied to the nail with a brush. If it is in a tube it can be applied to the nail and spread over the nail with the tip of the tube. Some manicurists put the tube gel in a small dish and then apply the gel to the nail with a brush.

LED Gel comes in a jar and is applied to the nail with a brush. LED Gels can be cured in a LED lamp in 30 seconds or less or cured in a UV lamp for 2 minutes. Cure times will vary by manufacturer.

LED is UV light. The difference between the lamps is the type of bulbs. The UV lamp uses florescent bulbs that are changed after x number of hours of use. X is determined by the manufacturer. LED Lamps have Light Emitting Diodes or LED for short. LED bulbs are not changed, when the lights go out, a new lamp is required. Both lamps emit UV light.

No Light Gel comes in a tube. It is a thick viscosity glue and requires an activator to cure. Activators are available in spray or brush on formulas. Most people are referring to UV or LED gels, not No Light gels, when they say “gels”.

Powder can be added to UV Gel or No Light gel for added strength. Powder is dipped or sprinkled into the gel before curing the gel in the UV light or using the activator. The powder used is a specially formulated powder for use with both types of gel, not the same acrylic polymer powder used in liquid and powder acrylic nails.

Fiberglass can also be used with UV, LED or No Light gels. The manicurist can imbed a strip, or cover the entire nail with, a fiberglass fabric before curing.

What is Gel Polish?

Gel Polish is a colored nail polish in a gel form that cures in a UV or LED lamp. Gel Polish comes in a bottle that resembles a regular polish bottle or, in the case of OPI Soak Off Gel, in a pot. OPI also has a newer formulated Gel Laquer that is in a bottle. Both are soak off gel polishs. Gel Polish is applied over the natural nail and is NOT an artificial nail enhancement. Gel Polish is soaked off with the manufacturer's remover or acetone before each service. It is generally not “filled”.

Here’s Where Things Can Get Tricky

A manicurist can apply a plastic tip to extend a nail or all nails with a Gel Polish overlay. The finished nail will NOT be as strong as a UV Gel nail that is meant to be worn as an enhancement, but it can be done as a temporary fix for a broken nail. Gel polish can also be “filled” to freshen it up. The manicurist can buff the surface of the gel polish to remove the shine, then apply an additional coat of the same color, a different color or just clear top coat. This should not be done more than one time as it makes the nails look very thick.

More tricks up the Gel sleeve are that there are “hard” gels and “soft” gels. All “hard” gels are UV Gel Artificial Nail Enhancements but not all UV Gel Artificial Nail Enhancements are “hard” gels. Another twist, all Gel Polish products are “soft” gels, but not all “soft” gels are Gel Polish. The terms “hard” and “soft” are not a reference to strength or durability. The terms are simple. “Hard” ( non-porous) gels do not soak off in acetone and “soft” ( porous ) gels do soak off in acetone. So you see how all Gel Polishes are “soft” gels? They soak off in acetone.

Now I’ll confuse you some more. There are UV cured, “hard” gel colors that do not soak off in acetone. These are used with “hard” gel artificial nail enhancements and are filed off at the time of a maintenance fill and should not be used on natural nails because they do not soak off with acetone.

An Acrylic Nail With a Gel Overlay is NOT a Gel Nail.

Any salon advertising that they do gel nails, but are actually doing an acrylic nail with a gel overlay are using dishonest business practices. Every layer of gel product that the manicurist applies to the nail must be of a gel consistency and must be cured in the UV lamp, LED lamp or, in the case of a no light gel, activator must be sprayed or brushed on over each layer of gel, or it is NOT a gel nail.

There are gel top coats that are formulated to be used over acrylic nails to give them that high gloss gel shine. This is a perfectly legitimate nail service as long as it is marketed as an acrylic nail with gel top coat service not marketed as gel nails. “Hard” and “soft” gel color can be applied over acrylic nails as well, but should be marketed as such. Salons who lie to clients about what services they are receiving really burn me up. Salons do usually charge more for acrylic nails with gel color or gel top coat, that is acceptable, even expected, false advertising is not.

The easiest way to determine if you are getting real gel nails is if the gel is in a jar or tube, the gel is odorless and you put your hand in a UV or LED lamp between every coat of gel, not just at the end with the last coat. If the manicurist dips an artist brush in a liquid and then into a powder, the product has a strong odor and air dries (no lamp used between layers) it is an acrylic nail.

One more thing to muddy the water. There is a UV cured acrylic by Star Nail Products. An artist brush is dipped in a liquid, then dipped in a powder and cured in a UV lamp. It is also odorless. It is still an acrylic nail product, not a gel.

In Summation;

Liquid + powder = acrylic
Gel consistency in a jar, bottle or tube + a UV or LED lamp = gel.



Trusted Marketing Services Trusted Regina Marketing Agency share 6 tips to get on 1st page of Google locally

The Trusted Marketing Services team has skill sets & real-life experiences that other marketing agencies and social media management companies simply do not share.  The Trusted Marketing Team are not nerds….they are entrepreneurs, networkers and marketers, so If you need affordable website solutions,   Social media management or anything to do with advertising and marketing contact them today.

Trusted Marketing Services are your Trusted Regina Marketing Agency  

6 tips to get on 1st page of Google locally:


“I want to be on the first page of Google” 

This is now the most common response we get at Trusted when we ask people what they want for their marketing goals, and there seems to be confusion amongst local Saskatchewan business owners as to how this actually happens, so we thought we’d lay it out in layman’s terms. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s “natural” or un-paid (“organic”) search results.

To be on page 1 of Google for your category of business locally is a great goal, especially as recent stats tell us that over 80% of all click-throughs to websites on Google searches take place on the first page of Google. Not being there means you will miss out on leads, and that means those on the 1st page have a significant competitive advantage. Except how you get on that first page can be tricky, especially if you are in a very competitive category ( Real Estate, Auto Dealers, Mortgage Brokers for example). Here we outline the main points to consider.

1. You need a website – and it needs to be a good one!

Your website is a TOOL, and it should be out there working for your business 24/ 7. It’s not just about the ‘look’ of the site, it’s about how well it works overall for good SEO – you need to consider the navigation ( how easy is for your visitors to get around and find the important information), the keywords ( if you are a Plumber make sure it is on your website often), include the location ( if you are a Plumber in Regina say so ) , choose appropriate images and have good links ( social links, links to other sites that make sense and links to your site from other sites that make sense)

( contact us at Trusted Marketing Services if you want to discuss your website – or lack of.)

2. You need to have a blog

Content marketing is a phrase you may have heard bandied about; in reality it means writing new, quality, relevant content about your company and your category – ideally in a blog on your website on a regular basis – This just keeps your website up to date in the eyes of Google ( as Google determines who gets ranked where it’s important to impress her and do what she values)

(check out our Saskatchewan marketing blog here )

3. You need to be social

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google + – pick whats best for your business and build an audience for your content- quality web traffic from your social media to your website is valued by Google and if you are spending all your efforts sending people to your Social media as the final destination you are WRONG – the social should be the tool to help your www. not the other way around! If you don’t take social media seriously and do it well you are really missing out on the chance to connect with your local audience and share your company personality & values.




4. Your overall marketing strategy

Assuming you DO have a strategy? Too many local businesses separate online and offline marketing and this is a big mistake, in today's world in many categories online is MORE important than offline, as consumers shop and make more buying decisions online than in person. Your website should be your best salesperson, it should reflect who you are & what you are doing at all times.

( if you are not sure about your marketing strategy contact us for a consultation )

5. Online local directories

Online local directories are important to Google (information is organized in  a logical manner) and I predict they will become more so as more and more websites come online locally- Being listed on a good local online directory ( like and ) will help your Google rankings as it shows you are recognized locally in your category, also if the online directory is well ranked in your category you benefit from that – you can get on the first page of Google by being on their directory; along with the others in your category of course. ( Trusted Directories have many, many other advantages & benefits over your regular local online directories – contact us to find out more). 


6. Google products

Google Adwords, Google Plus, YouTube etc..etc.. Buy them, use them – Google likes when you buy INTO their products.

A word of warning ..DO NOT put all your eggs into the Google Adwords basket to get on the 1st page of Google – this is not a smart long-term marketing decision. Google Adwords cost is going to keep rising as more people enter the auction and you can’t all be on the first page…make ORGANIC your priority ( we know customers prefer organic search results too)

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to allocate time and effort into doing the best job you can online. There is no QUICK fix, this is a race…and it’s not a sprint, it’s a never-ending marathon, and you need to keep running and adapting to the ever-changing conditions or you will fall behind and drop off your prospects and existing customers radars. Don’t be tempted into trying to cheat Google by paying companies to create splash pages, buy backlinks or by falsely boosting your social followers' numbers….. you didn’t become successful in business by cutting corners, it’s the same way online.


Contact us at today, we are your local and international award-winning Trusted Marketing Agency!




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