Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Invisible Fence your Trusted Regina pet fencing solution experts share a tip on their Invisible Fences

Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviors throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts.

Over the last 40 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioral harm. Their proven P.E.T. Approach™ training method ensures the success of their products every time, with any pet, and in every household. The result? An unparalleled success rating (over 99%) and the most effective solutions in the industry! Freedom and convenience for you & your pet...and the system has a lifetime warranty. That’s an OWNERS lifetime warranty!

Invisible Fence Saskatchewan are Trusted Regina Pet fencing solution experts!

Here they share a tip on their Invisible Fences:




Recommended by vets and installed by professionals, our customizable solutions will keep your pet happy and out of harm’s way in your home and yard.

Your pets are family to us too. That's why our pet specialists are certified in our renowned Perfect Start™ Plus Pet Training methods.

  • Proven, trusted experience
  • 99.5% success rate
  • Professional installation
  • Certified training programs
  • In-home® & outdoor solutions
  • Create safe areas & protect furniture, landscaping
  • Works with all breeds, sizes, ages, temperaments



Find Invisible Fence online at and in the Regina Vets and Pets Catagory on the Saskatoon DIRECTORY of Excellence...they are your Saskatoon Pet Fencing Solution Experts!



Reed Security a Trusted Regina Alarm and Security Expert CONSUMER WARNING: Just Say NO To AGGRESSIVE Door to Door Salespeople

Reed Security believes when you become a client you will be entering into a relationship – one they want to grow and become long term...they work hard to meet all your Regina Alarm & security needs from day one!

Here they share CONSUMER WARNING: Just Say NO To AGGRESSIVE Door to Door Salespeople:



Consumer tips:

1. Security Systems are Never FREE and are not worth $1500.

2. ALWAYS get 3 quotes.

3. DO NOT install the system within a few hours of signing up. Give yourself some time to do some research.


Consumer Warning:

It's that time of year when you will be getting pressured by door to door salespeople. They would like to sign you up to "limited time offer" that expires "right away". And before you know you know it you're on the hook for thousands of dollars. (This happens several thousand times each year).

For more information do a Google Search and type "Alarm Door to Door". Thousands of people have been duped.

The Pressure:

  • Sales person won't leave even when you tell them to "Leave"
  • Sales person won't leave when you tell them "No Thanks"
  • Sales person won't leave when you say "I Already Have Your Products or Service"
  • Sales person name drops the name of your neighbor and makes it sound like "they signed up" or "they bought one" or "they referred me to you"
  • Sales person comes to the house more than once



The Solutions:

1. Put Up Your Hand and "Say NO". Immediately close the door and the sales person will eventually leave.

2. Tell them "You are Trespassing" and that you will call the BBB Better Business Bureau, Consumer Protection Branch and the Police if they do not leave.

3. Always Get 3 Quotes for whatever you consider purchasing. This gives you the time to gather information and to check if the "deal" being presented to you is the best option.

4. Never Accept Quick Delivery of a product or service. This gives you a cooling off period and more time to gather facts.

5. If you did proceed with the offer You Have 10 Days to Change Your Mind and CANCEL (and get a full refund). It's the Law in Saskatchewan.

6. Don't Forget - You may already be in a contract for the products or services being offered to you.


If you would like more information on how Reed Security can help you or customize a security solution for you Click Here

Find Reed Security online at or check out their listing here in the REGINA ALARM & SECURITY Category on the REGINA directory of excellence. Virgil Reed and his team are YOUR Trusted commercial security experts!



Active Electric Trusted Regina Electrician share a Letter of Recommendation

Active Electric are Trusted Regina Electricians and they get it right the first time, delivering all electrical services including installation, upgrade, and repair solutions.

Whether it's hanging a ceiling fan, installing a custom-designed landscape lighting system, installing a state of the art home theatre system or rewiring a commercial structure, or other electrical services, you can call Active they are here eager to help and no job is too small! Customer service is always their top priority and they should be your first call for a Regina Electrician!



Here they share a Letter Of Recommendation 





To Whom It May Concern,                                                                                              

I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Active Electric. We have been working with this company for approximately 3 years now. The service we receive from Brad and his crew is exactly what we need for our business. They are quick to respond to our needs. They are always at our jobs when they say they will be. And there have been countless occasions we have called them on very short notice, and they are still able to react to problems within the very same day. Working with insurance claims as we do, we encounter all different types of jobs big or small, complicated or simplistic. Active Electric is always there to help us trouble shoot whatever electrical issues we face, and to help us provide a sound opinion and recommendation to our insurance partners and home or business owners. I can honestly say our company would not be where it is at today, without the strong partnership we found with Active Electric. As far as working relationships go, Brad and his team at Active Electric are an example of one of our very best partnerships. We look forward to working with them in the years ahead, and wish them nothing but continuous success in whatever future endeavors they encounter.  



THANK YOU Richard Schofer for taking the time to share your experience and thanks Active Electric for truly showing you deserve the trusted status!

When we give the Thumbs up to a business IT MEANS something!


Check out his listing here in REGINA ELECTRICIANS on the Regina Directory of excellence!


Winmar your Trusted Regina disaster services experts share a tip on Water Damage

WINMAR® Regina performs restoration services for residential and commercial properties across Saskatchewan. Our crews offer prompt and professional services to help our customers get back to pre-loss life with the least amount of interruption and associated costs as possible. . They are the Regina property restoration specialistsWINMAR IS A TRUSTED REGINA DISASTER SERVICES & REGINA GENERAL CONTRACTOR. In their latest WINMAR Regina Trusted tip, they share information on what water damage does to your home and how they can help! 

Water Damage 

When water damage occurs, immediate action must be taken in order to find the cause, fix the issue, and prevent further damage from occurring. At WINMAR® Regina, our IICRC trained technicians specialize in cleaning up water damage to your home or property. Our team of specialists is equipped with the techniques and equipment to determine the cause and repair the damages properly.

Water damage can occur at any time of the day, any day of the year, which is why WINMAR® Regina is available 24/7 for all types of emergency water damage issues in your home or business.


Category 1 Water Damage

Category 1 water sources do not cause an initial health threat. Sources include broken pipes, appliance water line failures, hot water heater ruptures, and broken toilet tanks. If Category 1 water damage is dealt with in the first 24 hours, oftentimes everything can be dried in place and minimal demolition will be required.

Category 2 Water Damage

Category 2 water sources contain some degree of contamination. These sources include appliance overflow, aquariums leaks, waterbed leaks or bursts, and falling rainwater. If Category 1 water damage is left for more than 48 hours, it becomes Category 2 water damage and will require a cleanup process similar to Category 3 water damage.

Category 3 Water Damage

Category 3 water sources always contain pathogenic agents and can be harmful to your health. These water sources include sewer backups, sea and ground surface water, toilet bowl overflows, and sump pump backups. With Category 3 water damage, all items that are contaminated need to be dealt with properly and by professionals to prevent further damage to your home & your health. Many items, including your carpet & drywall, need to be removed & properly disposed of. WINMAR® was one of the first companies to purchase an Esporta Wash system. This system safely & effectively cleans & disinfects your soft contents that have suffered water damage.


Our Process At WINMAR® Regina

Each time we work with our customers is an opportunity for our WINMAR® team to show our professional skills and how we really do make a difference.

The first step is always to meet with our customers and go over the scope of the job. We always ask our customers to remove any valuables or sentimental items from the area before we start work.

Next, we want to deal with the things that matter most to you – your belongings. WINMAR® will work with you to carefully pack & move your undamaged contents to a safe place. We will also determine which of your contaminated items can be cleaned & returned to you, and which need to be disposed of. With the help of the Esporta Wash System, we can now save up to 85% of your belongings that were damaged by water.

Next, we will deal with your home. Properly trained technicians will use their equipment to determine which areas of your walls & floor need to be removed. After the demolition is complete, WINMAR® will disinfect the area and set up drying equipment to stabilize the environment. Properly drying the water-damaged areas will prevent future damage from occurring.

Lastly, we want to meet with our customers again. We want to ensure you are happy with the work done and understand the next steps in the process. Remember, WINMAR® is here to help you put things back together too.

 WINMAR® Regina's experienced and certified staff provide full-disaster service restoration for all types of loss:

With their 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year service they always come through for you. See more services by clicking on the show more info button below. They also offer full general contracting services to Regina and the surrounding area.

General Contractor Services include:
  • Renovations
  • New Constructions

WINMAR® knows what it takes to satisfy its customers.

'WINMAR® Coming Through For You!'

Winmar is a Trusted Regina Disaster Services, Abatement Specialist and  Regina General Contractor


Active Electric Trusted Regina Electrician share 10 Questions to Ask an Electrician Before Hiring

Active Electric are Trusted Regina Electricians and they get it right the first time, delivering all electrical services including installation, upgrade, and repair solutions.

Whether it's hanging a ceiling fan, installing a custom-designed landscape lighting system, installing a state of the art home theatre system or rewiring a commercial structure, or other electrical services, you can call Active they are here eager to help and no job is too small! Customer service is always their top priority and they should be your first call for a Regina Electrician! 



10 Questions to Ask an Electrician Before Hiring:

Asking these 10 electrician questions will help you find a qualified pro with the right experience and business practices for your needs.

Finding the right electrician can be as much a matter of safety as getting your money's worth, since electrical problems are among the leading causes of house fires. Electrical work must be done by the book-specifically, the National Electrical Code book-and follow all code requirements of your city's building department. Asking these 10 electrician questions will help you find a qualified pro with the right experience and business practices for your needs.

1. Are you licensed?

Electricians are required to be licensed in most states and municipalities, so don't consider one who isn't properly licensed. There are two basic levels of licensure: A master electrician has at least two years of professional experience and is licensed for both design and installation of electrical systems. A journeyman is licensed for installation only. In some areas, journeymen must work alongside masters.

2. Are you insured?

Certainly one of the deal-breaker electrician questions, given the potentially high liability for this work. Electrical contractors should carry at least $500,000 in liability and workers' compensation insurance.

3. Who will perform the work?

Don't assume the person you talk to will be the one doing all the work. Ask about the hourly rates for different qualifications (master electrician vs. journeyman/apprentice, or any combination of workers). If you feel your job requires a master's expertise, discuss this up front.

4. What special training/experience do you have for this kind of work?

This should be one of your electrician questions if your project calls for specific expertise, such as installing voice/data cabling, home automation systems or solar equipment. Even if another contractor handles the specialty stuff, it's helpful if your electrician has experience working with those systems and protocols.

5. Will you provide references (for past jobs similar to mine)?

References are particularly important for hiring electricians; it's hard to judge the quality of their work when you can't see most of it and don't really know what to look for (see item 10 for tips).

6. What does your estimate include?

In addition to pricing structure, be sure to discuss incidentals, like repairing drywall and other things affected by the electrical work. Chances are, you'll be responsible for them.

7. Do I need a permit? Who will obtain it?

A permit ensures electrical work will be checked by a city inspector-an important safeguard for homeowners. It's standard for electricians (not homeowners) to pull permits.

8. What kind of work do you do most?

Like many contractors, electricians often specialize in one area or another. As an example, if your project involves finished spaces, look for someone who specializes in remodels as opposed to new construction.


9. What will you guarantee/warranty?

Learn how well a pro stands behind his work. Also be aware that electricians typically assume responsibility for fixtures, devices and other equipment they buy for you through their professional accounts.

10. May I see a work in progress?

Depending on the nature of your project, it might be helpful to visit an electrician's current job, for a behind-the-scenes look at his work. In general, you're looking for evidence of orderly, methodical installation: neat cable runs near the service panel (breaker box), clear labeling of circuit breakers, regular anchoring of cables, switch boxes that sit squarely and finish flush to the drywall surface, etc.

Like a plumber, doctor and auto mechanic, a trusted electrician is a valuable member of a household maintenance team. As you cover your list of electrician questions, listen for a panel-side manner; you want someone who explains what he's doing and why, and who will help you understand the essentials of your system (or as much as you care to know). Ideally, the electrician you hire now will be a good source to call for emergencies and other projects down the road.  



Check out his listing here in REGINA ELECTRICIANS on the Regina Directory of excellence!

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